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Far Cry Arcade - How to Make Maps in Far Cry Arcade, All the Best Maps, Perk Points and XP

Far Cry 5 is a big game full of things to do. In this guide we'll detail how to recruit the dog, bear, and cat, how to earn money quickly, the best perks in Far Cry 5, Prepper Stash Locations, helicopters and planes, and how to fish. Also how to play Far Cry 5 Coop with friends, crafting, and weapon upgrades.

Far Cry 5 has introduced the brand new Far Cry Arcade feature for all players, a system where anyone can try their hand at building a map using hundreds of assets and features, and then put it out online for the community to play. In this Far Cry Arcade guide, we’ll be walking you through how to make maps, as well as detailing all the best Far Cry Arcade maps that we’ve seen from around the internet so far, and how to earn Perk Points in Far Cry Arcade.

If you instead need anything else on Far Cry 5, including how to get to grips with the hectic and messy combat of the game, as well as how to find and ally yourself with every Gun for Hire out in Hope County, make sure to head over to our Far Cry 5 guides hub.

Far Cry Arcade Guide

Although previous Far Cry games have had a map editor that allowed you to construct your own playgrounds from scratch, Far Cry 5 steps this up a notch, bringing in assets from other Ubisoft games like Assassin’s Creed and Watch Dogs for players to mess around with. Simply put, Far Cry Arcade is an experimental mode, where you’re simply allowed to mess around and make your own fun.

There are two ways to play maps in Far Cry Arcade: by yourself, or online with friends. When you head into the Far Cry Arcade menu from the Online portion of the main game, you’ll be presented with either playing solo/co-op with friends, or playing online with strangers. Selecting either of these options will bring up a quick list of all the maps players have put together for the corresponding mode, whether it’s solo, co-op, or online. From here, you can press Square/X to filter the maps presented to you, and you can choose by game category (solo or online), as well as searching by map name or creator name, if you’re after a specific map in particular.

Far Cry Arcade Tips for Creating a Map

If you head to the ‘Arcade Editor’ option when you first arrive in Far Cry Arcade, you’ll be presented with the chance to create your very own maps from scratch. You can either make a map for solo/co-op play, or online play, which should give you a rough idea of how large you want to make your map. If you’re a designing a map from scratch from solo or co-op players, then you’ll want to keep it relatively small and focused, but if you’re going for online players, then you’ve got more free reign to make the map significantly larger to house multiple players.

For your early Far Cry Arcade maps, you’re probably going to want to stay small and focused, until you’ve got the hang of knowing which assets and textures to place where. Although it sounds tedious, it’s better to have a small map looking excellent, than a massive map that looks completely bare and boring. You’ll also want to make sure your Far Cry Arcade map isn’t just flat, and contains plenty of hills and bumps for your character to work over, keeping things fresh and flowing.

It’s also a good idea to stick to one theme when you’re planning out your Far Cry 5 Arcade map. If you’re going for a horror theme, or a straight run n’ gun, then stick to that theme and nail it. You’ll also have to take care not to make your Arcade map unnecessarily difficult, by placing too many enemies close together. Make sure not to stack too many powerful enemies on top of one another in the same area, and if you’re dealing with weaker enemies, you’ll have to make sure not to overwhelm the player through the sheer number of them.

Far Cry 5 Arcade Earning Perk Points Quickly

You’ll start out from level 1 in Far Cry Arcade, and you’ll gain XP towards levelling up for each map that you complete while playing Arcade. While you gain a Perk Point for each level that you go up by early on, the rewards become more sparse as you increase into the higher levels, and once you’ve reached level 20, you only earn money instead of Perk Points for levelling up.

If you’re looking to blast through the early levels of Far Cry Arcade quickly, then you’ll want to take on very linear maps that you can complete by killing a certain amount of enemies. Another quick way to earn XP and level up towards the Perk Points is to take on Team Deathmatch maps in Far Cry Arcade, since each individual game of Team Deathmatch rarely lasts more than a few minutes, and each match completed will reward you with XP.

Far Cry Arcade Best Maps

Just below, we’ve got a complete roundup of some of the very best Far Cry Arcade maps we’ve seen out in the wild, along with their creator name, so you know exactly how to find the map no matter which platform you’re playing on.

The Cabin in the Woods

Created by NikoWZRD, this horror-themed map starts out as an escape from a madman, before handing you a weapon and a severely limited amount of ammunition to go along with it, ramping up the tension and dread.

Welcome to Elk Jaw Lodge

This map comes from Sundic_Ouff, and throws in a Metal Gear Solid-inspired level for taking down a heavily guarded outpost from Joseph Seed’s troops.

Safe Haven

This simple yet solid Far Cry Arcade map comes from Ubisoft, and forces you to undergo a combat gauntlet to reach the end of the firefight safe and sound. It’s not a particularly impressive map by any means, but it does act as a great introductory mission to Far Cry Arcade as a whole.


There are more Shipment-themed maps in Far Cry Arcade than we can count, and each of them offers up their own tribute to one of the more famous Call of Duty multiplayer maps.

Cult Island

As anyone could’ve seen coming from a mile away, Battle Royale maps have made their way into Far Cry 5 by way of the Far Cry Arcade creator, and a ton of them are ready for you to dive headlong into.

Super Sumo

Now this is an excellent one. Placed high on a plateau, eight players all start in big rig trucks, and the last one standing on top of the plateau wins. Simply, yet entertaining.

This might be the end of our Far Cry Arcade guide, but continue ahead to our Far Cry 5 Fishing guide for the best fishing points all over the map, or our Far Cry 5 Prepper Stashes guide for info on how to uncover all the treasure stashes in the game.