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Far Cry 5 Arcade Dawn Event - How to get Vector .45 ACP and Pro Player Outfit

Far Cry 5 is a big game full of things to do. In this guide we'll detail how to recruit the dog, bear, and cat, how to earn money quickly, the best perks in Far Cry 5, Prepper Stash Locations, helicopters and planes, and how to fish. Also how to play Far Cry 5 Coop with friends, crafting, and weapon upgrades.

The Far Cry 5 Live Events are into week 2, and this week it's time for the Far Cry 5 Arcade Dawn Event, we’ll be walking you through how to undertake and complete the Arcade Dawn Event challenge and detail the rewards on offer.

If you need anything else to do with Far Cry 5, including how to get to grips with the hectic and messy combat system of the game, as well as how to unlock every available Gun and Fang for Hire out there in Montana, head over to our complete Far Cry 5 guides hub.

Far Cry 5 Arcade Dawn Live Event Guide

Bring up the main pause menu of Far Cry 5 by pressing Options on the Dualshock 4 or Select on the Xbox One controller, and scroll over to the ‘Online’ tab, where you’ll find the Live Events, Arcade, and Co-Op sections ready to go. The Arcade Dawn Live Events went live on April 10, and we can expect new live events to come around once every week on the Tuesday.

This week's Far Cry 5 Event is pretty simple. Head to Far Cry Arcade and play for 40 minutes to win the Vector .45 ACP! Keep playing in Far Cry Arcade to help the community and win the Arcade Pro player outfit!

Far Cry 5 Arcade Dawn Event Personal Rewards

There are two tiers for the Far Cry 5 Arcade Dawn event rewards. One set of rewards is unlocked for playing Far Cry Arcade games for 20 minutes, while the other is unlocked for playing for 40 minutes.

  • 100XP for playing Arcade for 20 minutes
  • 50 Silver for playing Arcade for 20 minutes
  • 100XP for playing Arcade for 40 minutes
  • Vector .45 for playing Arcade for 40 minutes

Far Cry 5 Arcade Dawn Event Community Rewards

As well as a bunch of rewards for completing the challenge event on your own, the Far Cry 5 community can combine their play time in Far Cry Arcade to earn additional rewards. If the community total reaches 1.5 million and 3 million minutes played.

  • 100XP for playing Arcade for 1.5 million minutes
  • 50 Silver for playing Arcade for 1.5 million minutes
  • 100XP for playing Arcade for 3 million minutes
  • Arcade Pro Player Outfit for playing Arcade for 3 million minutes

If you goto the Live Events section of the pause menu in Far Cry 5, you’ll see that there are milestone and progression markers for both your personal progression and the Far Cry community progression for completing the Arcade Dawn challenge.

We might be all done with this Far Cry 5 guide on how to complete the Far Cry 5 Arcade Dawn Event, but continue ahead to our Far Cry 5 fishing guide, or our Far Cry 5 Perks guide.

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