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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Walkthrough and Beginner Tips

A few tips to get you started, and a bunch of guides pointing you towards collectables, puzzles, bosses and more.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivior is out, which means you're likely eager to jump in and start exploring the many worlds you travel to throughout the game. However, there may be some aspects you struggle with. Some bosses, a tricky puzzle or two, or maybe you're just looking for help in general as you navigate a galaxy far, far away.

We've created this Star Wars Jedi: Survivior walkthrough to help you make your way through the game with as little stres as possible. We've broken it down into major sections like collectables, puzzles, bosses and more for ease of navigation.

We've also listed out some general beginners tips that'll be helpful for all new players to know. We'll continue to update this walkthrough with more guides as we write them, and they'll all be linked below in their relavant sections.

Watch the launch gameplay trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor here!

Please note: the following guide is both a work in progress, and contains spoilers for the game. As such, we'll be updating it with new information as we uncover it. Obviously, don't read it unless you're okay with spoiers for story, locations, and unlocks.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Beginner's Tips

Star Wars Jedi: Survivior is an action game with a few tricky bits here and there, thanks in large part tot he Dark Souls series' DNA that's immedietly recognisable throughout the title. As such, it can be harsh every now again, and knowledge of a few trick can go a long way in making the process of completing it a little easier.

Don't worry too much about locked doors

As you make your way through the game, you'll come across locked doors and other interactables that you just can't open. These will be marked red on your holomap. It's important to note that there's a lot of backtracking to different zones and planets in Star Wars Jedi: Survivior as you gain new abilities, when you can open up new passages and gain access to hidden rewards.

So when you come across a big red blocked door, do not panic. You're able to return to each planet and zone as you progres through the game, so you'll not be locking yourself out of anything ify ou moveo n.

Rest at meditation points often

Star Wars Jedi: Survivior doesn't cover your back with numerous autosaves like other games do. Instead, the game saves your progress at meditation points spread around the multiple planets you journey to. It's very important that you return to one and rest there before you turn off your game, or any progress made through different zones (and colelctables you find) will be lost to time.

So whenever you come across one, take a seat and rest, even if you don't need any more health stims or a heal!

Make use of your full range of abilities

As you progress through the game, you may lean towads certain styles of play. Maybe you like swinging your lightsaber around, without paying attention to your force powers. Maybe you lean rely to heavily on force pull? Either way, remember to keep in mind the full selection of tools at your disposal as they can play hugely important roles in combat.

Mind trick powerful enemies in large groups of enemies, force pull the shield away from Shield troopers, and remember to throw your lightsaber during boss fights! There are plenty if handy tricks that make combat helpful.

Don't stress out about getting collectables straight away

Collectables you find in the game have very little effect on character power, with a few minor exceptions. Early on in the game you'll be more than fine with picking up ten Priorite Shards and then pushing collectables to the back of your mind. With the exception of bounty hunter chits which you get around half wa through the game, nothing else can improve yoru combat prowess.

As such, collect them to your leasure! You can either go through and pick them up as you go, or leave them until you want to do some exploring. there's no pressure.

Recover your XP intelligently during tricky boss fights

Sometimes you're going to have a tough time against a certain boss. When you die in a boss fight, your XP is dropped on the ground, and it'll stay there until you go pick it up or you die again. Doing so will recover any lost Xp yes, but it'll also provide a full health and recover your force powers.

So, if you're really hitting your head against a certain fight and keep running out of health stims, remember you may actually have another heal waiting for you in the arena. Just be warned that not picking it up may lose you some progress.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivior guides

Below we've listed out all the different guides that we've written for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. theres a bunch of bosses that can prove tricky, puzzles too. Also, we've got a selection of general purpose guides for smaller but still significant parts of the game.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Collectable locations

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor puzzle solutions

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor boss fight guides

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor general guides

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