Path of Exile 2 Sorceress build: best skills, passives, and support gems to use
The Sorceress is super hot with the launch of PoE2, especially with this fire build.
Are you playing Path of Exile 2 right now? Do you want to play the Sorceress, but don't know where to start? We've got you covered. In this article, we've written a Path of Exile 2 Sorceress build that should get you started as you progress through the game.
In this guide we'll go through the core identity of the build, which skills it uses, the best support gems, and the best passives for what we're aiming for. We've also broken down what you should be looking for when it comes to weapons and armour.
Path of Exile 2 Sorceress build
This Sorceress build is all about fire! The Sorceress is an elemental powerhouse, able to make use of fire, electricity, and ice to powerful effect. While you can absolutely mix and match elements (with abilities of different elements having surprising synergies), we're going to hard focus on a single element. The reason being is simple: if you're reading this guide you're probably looking for a simple, starter guide. This build will take you throughout the main story acts, at which point you can experiment some more if you feel so inclined.
Path of Exile 2 Sorceress best skills
Here are the skills we'll be using in this build. You'll notice a lot of fire skills here like you'd expect in a fire-focused build, as well as some general-purpose Sorceress passives that boost your overall power.
- Flame Wall - An wall of fire that provides extra fire damage to spells that go through it.
- Ember Fusilade - An ember that you summon which will shoot towards and enemy and deal AOE damage.
- Incinerate - A channelable fire spell that ignites enemies hit. After channeling to full strength, reduces fire resistance on enemies. Very good!
- Flammability - A curse that lowers fire defence. Very good for single target fights / bosses.
- Fireball - A fireball that explodes into smaller fireballs upon impact. Good for both single target damage and clearing up smaller packs of enemies.
- Firestorm - A rain of fire bolts that consumes ignite charges on enemies for more damage. Use after Incinerate.
Path of Exile 2 Sorceress best support gems
What about support gems? Here's what we picked up for this Sorceress fire build! (note, we've listed some tier 2 support gems here to use later on. If you're looking to fill up support slots in Act 1 and 2 for your skills, mix and match with recommended gems until then for a temporary boost to your skills. Who knows! It might inspire a build on your next character).
- Flame Wall - 1: Fortress. Makes the fire wall into a circle, which is great if you want to kite around an enemy or even use it around yourself.
- Ember Fusilade - 1: Concentrated Effect - makes the AOE blast smaller, but more powerful. 2: Armour Explosion. A tier 2 support gem that makes the skill break through armour when it hits an enemy. Good for bosses!
- Incinerate - 1: Eternal Flame. Reduces chance to ignite by 25%, but makes the ignition last longer on affected enemies. 2: Searing Flame. A tier 3 support gem. Makes the spell deal less damage, but the ignites caused by it to deal more.
- Flammability - 1: Heightened Curse. Makes the curse stronger. 2: Persistence. Makes any spell with a duration last longer.
- Fireball - 1: Fire Penetration. A tier 2 support gem that lets the spell bypass fire resistances. 2: Elemental Focus. A tier 3 support gem that removes the ability to inflict elemental ailments in favour of more elemental damage.
- Firestorm - 1: Magnified Effect. Makes the firestorm AOE larger. 2: Arcane Surge. Tracks the mana you spend on this spell, giving you a burst of mana regen and cast speed once you pass a certain threshold.
Path of Exile 2 Sorceress best passives
This build is all about fire spells, and therefore we'll be focusing on passives that improve fire damage and ignite ailments wherever we can. In addition, Sorceress use up a *lot* of mana as they cast a lot of spells during combat. As such, we'll be taking some passives to boost your mana pool too which will surely come in handy.
The major passives we recommend building towards are:
- Raw Power
- Path of Flame
- Open Mind
- Breath of Fire
- Pure Energy
- Rapid Recharge
- Mana Blessing
- Cremation
- Burnout
- Lingering Whispers
- Intense Flames
- Slow Burn
So as you can see, we're hitting a lot of the fire damage and ignite passives here. This should go a long way in boosting the performance of a fire-focused build. We've also got some great passives that will improve your mana and energy shield, which are always nice to have. It very much puts all the eggs in the flaming basket, but that's what we're here for!
Path of Exile 2 Sorceress best weapons and armour
Okay so, what should you equip on your Sorceress? Thankfully the Sorceress is one of those classes that rely on a single main stat - Int. As your intellect boosts your mana, and your mana in turn boosts your energy shield, you should be looking for any and all gear that provides an energy shield as its primary defensive stat. You can use gear that provides energy shields and something else if you've got a stupid good selection of sub stats on them, but for the most part you want purely energy shields.
Now you've got some gear with energy shields on it, what sort of sub stats are you looking for? Well, intellect is always nice, as is elemental resistances (which become a lot more important as you venture into the end game). But mana and mana regen is a major bonus too. For our build, focusing on fire, boosts to fire damage can be nice too. As a final thing to look out for - movement speed! You're a ranged class who really doesn't want to get caught in a corner and surrounded, so a bit of extra movement speed is great.
If you can hunt down weapons and armour with these stats included, you should be good to go. The important thing is not to hoard your upgrade materials. You might be tempted to avoid common gear and weapons in favour of blues and yellows, but you never know if a cheeky upgrade could reveal a god roll on this otherwise junk loot. Remember, upgrade material sitting in your stash isn't doing anything to improve your character's power.
With that, we've reached the end of our entry-level Path of Exile 2 Sorceress guide. From here, you can choose to keep the build going with the fire build, or hey, you can totally switch it up when you feel more confident doing so. Part of the joy of Path of Exile is trying out interesting new builds, so once you've played with this, give some other things a spin.