Streamer releases Path of Exile 2 loot filter that'll highlight all your worthwhile loot
Tired of picking up trashy loot? One man has stepped in with a solution.
Path of Exile 2 is out and is taking the world by storm, becoming especially popular on Steam, where player numbers continue to grow. But now that the game has been out for a few days, players pushing into the end game are looking for a way to pick out the good loot from the garbage. Enter NeverSink, a developer and occasional Path of Exile streamer who has created a solution.
This solution is a loot filter, which they posted on social media and Reddit. This filter does a lot of rad stuff, but primarily acts as a way to highlight important items that drop during your time playing Path of Exile 2. While in the early game currencies and rare items usually catch the eye without assistance, there are numerous more important drops later on that you certainly don't want to miss.
There are even unique colours for special gear progression items like runes, and other key items like fragements and tablets. Rings, belts, and amulets are also highlighted which will be handy for those looking for those smaller bits of gear that can have a massive impact on your character power. It's worth noting this isn't available on console sadly, but for PC players willing to hop on Github it's a nice addition.
NeverSink might be a name PoE players recongnise, as they developed Filterblade. This is a PoE simulation website as well as a popular PoE1 loot filter. So it's nice that they've returned to offer assistance to both returning PoE players and new PoE2 fledglings alike.
Are you gonna give this a download? Let us know below, as well as a loot drop you're especially proud of. Why not!