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Double Fine and Capybara Games team up for Capy Fine Racing GP

Super Time Force, Critter Crunch and Sword & Sworcery developer Capybara Games has joined forces with Double Fine for a special promotion at PAX East. EDGE reports the two companies will share a booth, and have produced a little OutRun style racer starring characters from both developers' catalgoues called Capy Fine Racing GP. The game will only be available on 3.5" floppy discs, inside the Capy Double Fine PAX combo, a boxed release of the Steam bundle. "We only made 200 boxes, and even then some of the floppies might not work, but the people who buy them will be allowed and encouraged to share the game," Capy co-founder Nathan Vella said. PAX East runs March 22-24 in Boston.

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