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Black: Bodycount intended to have campaign co-op


Bodycount director Stuart Black has said that he intended to have the shooter's campaign to have co-op al the way through.

But speaking with D'Toid, he revealed that because of some moments in the game's story which were "vital" to require the player to be by itself.

"It became really obvious -- and it pained me -- that there were key moments, two or three key moments," said Black, "where it was absolutely vital that you were by yourself to feel that sense of isolation.

"And I was really like, 'Oh no, I can't believe this!' and I tried to think, 'How can I get around this?' and it was like, story-wise...I can't. I have to have [those moments] that were too important to drop. So that was a bit of a bastard."

But despite them problems, the Codemasters shooter still has co-op, which, according to Black, will have missions that are like Spec Ops in Modern Warfare 2. But longer.

There's a lot more through the link.

Bodycount releases early next year for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

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