Analyst: E3 now “virtually useless”
Yes, that E3. In an article at TheStreet, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter gave E3 in its current form a thrashing – essentially calling it a shadow of the hype-Mecca it once was.
"The conference used to offer retail, media and investors an early look at games and an opportunity to speak with company managements," he said. “Now the games have long since been announced and the event is virtually useless for retail and for investors."
Many other videogame industry luminaries gave their two cents on E3 in the piece as well, with an especially interesting point coming from IGN’s Tal Blevins, who blamed E3’s fall from grace on its lack of spectacle. "The video game industry is about fun and entertainment,” he said, “and we should have a show that reflects it.”
Hit the link to read commentary from other industry pundits, as well as a quick overview of E3 2008.