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Why Animal Crossing Succeeded Where Social Games Failed

Why Animal Crossing Succeeded Where Social Games Failed

Seemingly everyone is playing Nintendo's new life sim at the moment -- even those who would never normally touch social games. What's Nintendo done differently to the hundreds of Facebook game developers out there?
Watch Dogs PS4 Review: Game of Phones

Watch Dogs PS4 Review: Game of Phones

Ubisoft's Watch_Dogs was set to be a next generation launch title, but ended up being delayed at the very last moment. Is it worth the extra six-month wait? Oh yes. Oh yes indeed.
Old PC Classics That Still Deliver an Epic Experience

Old PC Classics That Still Deliver an Epic Experience

Many of today's greatest PC games are sequels or spiritual successors to earlier versions that are still hugely fun to play all these years later. We check out the very best of them, and explain why they've become timeless classics.
JPgamer: Bullet Heaven

JPgamer: Bullet Heaven

With shmup specialists Cave seemingly pulling out of the West, what better time to have a look back at some of their best work? Three, two, one, go!
Virtual Spotlight: Gradius

Virtual Spotlight: Gradius

Get ready for Gradius to shoot your core! By which I mean "crush your self-esteem."
JPgamer: "Better Than Persona?"

JPgamer: "Better Than Persona?"

In this week's Japanese gaming column, we discuss the recent crop of Japanese role-playing games -- and whether any have truly bettered Atlus' slice-of-life-with-monsters classic.
Beyond: Two Souls Review

Beyond: Two Souls Review

Quantic Dream's latest aims to take interactive storytelling to the next level, but it falters.
How Konami Remade Its Own HD Remake

How Konami Remade Its Own HD Remake

Digital Foundry's John Linneman explores the drastic effect the recent Zone of the Enders HD patch had on performance.
The Rap Game[r]

The Rap Game[r]

"Xenogears, that's the type of game that relieves my fears." We're right there with you, Del.
Call of Duty's House Divided

Call of Duty's House Divided

Ghosts' executive producer Mark Rubin discusses the tension and conflict between the series' single- and multiplayer components. Not only how the two aspects of the best-selling series are premiered, but also the fundamental philosophical difference between them.
Freemium Makes Good Games Suffer

Freemium Makes Good Games Suffer

PopCap's recent announcement that Plants vs. Zombies 2 will be free-to-play has many players concerned - and with good reason.