All Cal customisation pieces in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Hair, jackets, shirts and pants. There's plenty to grab for Cal fashionistas.
There's nothing more important in a video game, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor or otherwise, than looking good. If you're not rocking the best hair and clothes, what's the point. As such, you'll want to go ahead and find all Cal customisation pieces out in the open world in order to look your best.
In order to help you track them all down, we've written thsi guide which details all the hair and clothing locations across each planet. they are usually found in chests hidden across the game, but can also be bought at a few places, so we'll point out exactly what you need to do for each item.
Below, we've broken down each customisation piece planet-by-planet so you can go and collect them all as you pass by, or head back and sweep through the game to grab any you missed.
All Cal clothing and hair styles in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Cal customisation pieces can be broken down into several catergories:
- Hair
- Facial Hair
- Jacket
- Shirt
- Pants
You can swap out the colours for clothing between a selection of options, however Cal will forever have his ginger locks. Hair dye is not the Jedi way, apparently. For the most part, these pieces are found in blue and locked chests, although you can buy them at shops like Doma's in exchange for other items.
- All Coruscant hair and clothing
- All Koboh hair and clothing
- All Jedha hair and clothing
- All Shattered Moon hair and clothing
- All Nova Garon hair and clothing
All Coruscant hair and clothing
There are no hair or clothing unlocks found in Coruscant!
All Koboh customisation pieces
Short Beard
Found in the Gorge Crash Site. Go to the tar pit where the droid’s ship is stuck. Hidden near a bush overlooking the tar is a blue chest containing the short beard.
![Short beard location](
Found in the Derilict Dam. Climb up to the leaking dam and then scale up the vines to the platform above where a raider and droid will be waiting. Once they are dead, jump into the giant tar lake and use the floating platforms to make your way deeper into the lake. Eventually, you’ll reach a small island with a blue chest and a mullet inside.
![Mullet location in Derelict Dam](
Tactical Jacket
Found in the Direlict Dam. Inside the cave system where you find your first commando droid, drop down into the tunnel below. Past a sneaky raider, you’ll find a chest you can slice. Once open, you get the tactical jacket!
![Tactical Jacket chest.](
Full Beard
Found in the Southern Reaches. From the meditation point, walk downhill until you reach Mosey. Behind their little hut, you can find a blue chest with the full beard inside.
![Full beard location.](
Scrapper Hair
Found in the Water Treatment Works. For this hair style, start off in the southern reaches. From Mosey’s hut, walk right past some gorgers down towards a dark cave. In this cave, you’ll be able to jump into a hidden doorway. Through this doorway is not only an entrance to the Water Treatment Works, but a chest containing the scrapper hair.
![Water Treatment Plant chest 4](
Bomber Jacket
Found in the Hunter's Quarry. Run all the way to the far end of Hunter’s Quarry, to the cave filled with Gorgers. At the end of the cave, you’ll find a chest that BD can slice. Inside is your jacket!
![Bomber jacket location in Hunter Quarry](
Hunter Jacket
Found in the Hunter's Quarry. Climb up to the rocks overlooking the Hunter’s QUarry, then turn left. Ou’ll see a creature guarding a box BD can slice. Yeet that guy off the edge, then open it up for the Hunter Jacket!
![Hunter jacket location](
Tactical shirt
Found in the Rambler’s Reach Outpost. Climb on top of Doma’s shop via nearby buildings, and you’ll find a blue chest with the shirt inside.
![Tactical Shirt location](
Scrapper Outfit (Jacket, Shirt, Pants)
Found in the Pyloon's Saloon. Next to the meditation point in the basement, in a large brown chest.
![Pyloon Saloon chest 1](
Headband hair style
Bought in Doma's Shop for 7 Priorite Shards.
Hawk hairstyle
Bought in Doma's Shop for 6 Priorite Shards.
Windswept Hair Style
Bought in Doma's Shop for 6 Priorite Shards.
Shag hairstyle
Bought in Doma's Shop for 6 Priorite Shards.
Buzzcut hairstyle
Bought in Doma's Shop for 5 Priorite Shards.
Extended Moustache
Bought in Doma's Shop for 5 Priorite Shards.
Corsair Jacket
Bought in Doma's Shop for Priorite Shards.
Frontier Jacket
Bought in Doma's Shop for 5 Priorite Shards.
Outrider Jacket
Bought in Doma's Shop for 4 Priorite Shards.
Bought in Doma's Shop for 4 Priorite Shards.
Commander Shirt
Bought in Doma's Shop for 3 Priorite Shards.
Frontier Shirt
Bought in Doma's Shop for 3 Priorite Shards.
Outrider Shirt
Bought in Doma's Shop for 3 Priorite Shards.
Training Shirt
Bought in Doma's Shop for 3 Priorite Shards.
Frontier Pants
Bought in Doma's Shop for 5 Priorite Shards.
Outrider Pants
Bought in Doma's Shop for 4 Priorite Shards.
Mountaineer Jacket
Found in the Untamed Downs. From the Harvest Ridge, walking into the giant cave and kill the Bilemaw there. Then, using the vines on the centre pillar, make your way up and around the cave until you reach Garra. Talk to her, and convince her not to join the raiders. Once you do, you’ll be able to open the chest she is sitting on and get the jacket.
![Derelict Dam essence 2](
Bomber Shirt
Found in Fort Kah'Lin. From the Fort Kah’Lin meditation point, walk past the buildings and past the droid tank. Once you enter the garage behind it, go up the stairs and you’ll find a blue chest containing the Bomber shirt inside.
![Bomber Shirt location](
Poncho outfit
Found in Fort Kah’Lin. After you defeat the Spawn of Oggdo, walk to the back of the arena and you’ll find a chest with the outfit inside.
![Poncho location.](
Tactical Pants
Swindler’s Wash - From the meditation point, walk up the path left of the broken bridge. Climb inside the cave, and take out the droid there. Once he’s dead, look left and the chest will be waiting for you.
![Tactical Pants location.](
Tactical material (jacket)
Found in Swindler’s Wash. As you climb up the rock face to the zipline shortcut and entrance to the forest gate, turn right. You’ll find a chest with the material inside.
![Tactical material jacket location.](
Hunter shirt
From the meditation point, jump the gap and climb the vines down to the troopers below. Once down there, turn around and grapple to a hidden cave. There will be a chest inside.
-image-Hunter Pants
Found in the Basalt Rift. When you slide down, kill the bilemaw. Once you do, walk into the cave it walked out of and you’ll find a chest you can slice open.
![Hunter Pants location](
Crew Cut
Found in the Basalt Rift. From the meditation point, walk across the shortcut and down the hill until you reach several storm troopers. From there, you can open a locked chest.
![Crew cut location](
Hunter Material (shirt)
Found in the Forest Array. From the meditation point, walk left of the array entrance and jump into the dust pit. Once down there, quickly run to the grapple point and grapple to it before you die. Climb the grate you grapple to, then jump to the platform to your right where the chest is.
![Hunter shirt material location.](
Tactical material (shirt)
Found in the Bilemaw Den. Past the Bilemaw and lots of storm troopers is a green tent next to a large drop. Walk behind the tent to find a chest.
![tactical material shirt location](
Hunter Material (pants)
Found in the Forest Array. Use the central beam to open a path towards where the giant bird was trapped. Follow the beam then climb along the grates until you reach a platform to the right of where the bird was. Drop down, and a chest will be there.
![Hunter Pants material location.](
Choppy Forward hair
Found in the Bygone Settlement. Use your Nekko to jump up to zipline on the ground floor of the settlement. This will let you wall run, jump and swing to another zipline that goes over the entrance to the zone. Once you land, take a left and you’ll be able to make another jump to a rope and a hidden building. Inside is your chest.
![Choppy Forward hair location](
Wanderer Jacket
Found in the Bygone Settlement. Take the zipline shortcut from the meditation point up to a higher platform. Right next to it is a chest.
![Wanderer Jacket location.](
Wanderer Pants
Requires Nekko riding. Found in Harvest Ridge. Use a nekko to jump up to the top of the Harvest Ridge cliffs. Once up, wall run and pole swing to a relter riding glide spot. Next to the retler, is a chest.
![Wanderer pants location.](
Goatee beard
Requires Access to Jedha. Found in the Winding Ravine. As you enter the Winding Ravine, turn left. There you’ll be able to move a yellow box against the wall to reach a higher platform. Climb up, and proceed onwards until you are able to push a second box down. With both boxes on the ground, push one between two raised platforms, then push the second box on top of it to make a tower. Once this is done, push the stacked boxes agains the wall to the left of where you entered. You’ll be able to run across a wall, mount these boxes, then leap to a hidden path where your chest is hidden.
![Winding Ravine chest 3](
Bun hair
Found in Riverbed Watch. Climb to the top of the watchtower, then head inside the building there. Climb a box inside, then onto the roof. On the roof is a chest you can slice open
![Bun hair style location](
Slicked Back hair
Found in Foothill Falls. Take the zipline up to the Foothill Falls. To the right, around a building, is a chest.
![Foothill Falls chest 1](
Full Goatee and Mustache
Found in the Devastated Settlement. Once you have the third central stream vent unlocked, fly up towards the rock pillars towards the Boiling Bluff. Once there, enter a small cave in the cliff wall. Slide down the wall, look right, then wall run to a chest.
![Devastated Settlement chest 3](
Bomber Pants
Requires forcefield dashing. Found in Mountain Ascent. From the meditation point, dash through the nearby barriers and hop down to the ground below. Walk left and you’ll find a chest behind Skoova.
![Mountain Ascent chest 2](
Light Mustache and Patch hair
Requires forcefield dashing. Found in Mountain Ascent. From the meditation point, dash through the nearby barriers and run left until you hit water. Once you do, hop in and dive down. You’ll find a chest at the bottom.
![Mountain Ascent chest 4](
Exile Jacket
Found in the Fogged Expanse. From the meditation point, walk along the path and take a left once you enter the cave. From there, take another left and you’ll find a chest.
![Fogged Expanse chest 1](
Hunter Material (jacket)
Requires electro dart. Found in the Untamed Down. Walk to the locked chest on the ledge overlooking Harvest Ridge. Behind the chest will be a machine you can shoot with your electro dart. Do so and you’ll unlock the chest.
![Untamed Downs chest 3](
Tactical material (pants)
Found in the Smuggler’s Tunnels. Ge to the pool of water, then dive under. You’ll find a chest on the side facing the Saloon.
![Smuggler's Tunnel chest 1](
Duelist jacket
Requires T-1N8 at the Rambler's Reach Outpost. Speak to T-1N8, and they will unlock the door to the building nearby. Head inside and find a chest.
![Rambler's Reach Outpost chest 2](
Drifter Jacket
Found in the Viscid Bog. From the shack where you find Zygg, jump down to the platform outside and you’ll find a chest nearby.
![Viscid Bog chest 2](
Short Goatee
Found in the Loading Gantry. From the meditation point, squeeze through the gap then take a right over the box. From there, take a left and you’ll see a chest directly ahead of you.
![Loading Gantry chest 3](
Commander Pants material
Found in the Loading Gantry. From the Hangar Rafters meditation point, shoot an electro dart at the machine above to lower a nearby forcefield. Then grapple up there to find a chest.
![Loading Gantry chest 4](
Commander Jacket material
Found in the Loading Gantry. From the meditation point, walk through the main door nearby and take a left. Once the droids and raiders are dead, jump up the boxes by the forcefield and you’ll see another forcefield you can dash through. Do so, jump up some walls, and you’ll come to a chest. That's not all! Look left and you’ll see an orange-lit doorway. Walk through and jump across the walls ahead of you until you land at a hidden platform with another chest and four droids.
![Loading Gantry chest 5](
Centre Part hair style
Found in the Forward Control Tower. Exit the elevator to the opposite side of the meditation point, and you’ll see a chest you can slam open.
![Forward Control Centre chest 1](
Goatee and Mustache hair
Requires force lift and slam. Located in the Corroded Silo. Enter the silo from the roof in Southern Reaches. When you drop down from a wall run onto a bridge with a B1 droid on it, you’ll find a chest ahead.
![Corroded Silo chest 3](
Mustache and Patch hairstyle
Requires force lift and slam. Found in the Mountain Ascent. Make your way to the back of the Mountain Ascent and force lift up the door. Jump in and kill all the bugs inside, then slice open the chest.
![Mountain Ascent chest 5](
Bomber Jacket material
Requires force lift and slam. Found in the Phon’Qi Caverns. Make your way down into the caverns proper, then jump down to the right on a broken bridge. Continue forward, clear out the droids in the next room, then fall down in the hole in the ground.Follow the path and clear out the turrets until you find a chest at the end of the path.
![Phon'Qi Caverns chest 3](
Drifter jacket material
Requires force lift and slam. Found in the Mountain Ascent. Make your way to the upper platform left of the watery pool. On the ground you’ll find a chest you can slam open.
![Mountain Ascent chest 6](
Bomber pants material
Requires force lift and slam. Found in the Rambler’s Reach Outpost. Make your way under the landing pad and lift up the middle door. Inside, you’ll find a chest.
![Rambler chest 6](
Light Mustache
Found in the Forest Array. When you reach the circular room filled with dead animals, run across the interior wall to reach the pole above you. Swing from that to the platform above, and you’ll find a chest.
![Forest Array chest 1](
Mountaineer jacket material
Requires balloon grapple Found in Fort Kah’Lin. Grapple up to the higher platform, then take a left into the cube. Inside there’ll be a droid repair person. Mind trick them into opening the gate to a chest.
![Fort Kah'Lin chest 1](
Pilot Jacket
Beat Kreez in the Holotable minigame.
Moustache and Path haircut
Beat Skoova in the Holotable minigame
All Jedha hair and clothing
Wanderer Shirt
Found in the Monastery Walls. Enter the building to the left of the meditation point, and climb up to the second floor via the grapple point. Walk across a beam, then hop across three small pillars to reach a chest.
![Monastery Wall chest 3](
Wanderer Jacket material
Found in the Penitant Chamber. Slide down the big slope, the ascend in the room. You’ll be able to jump up a large pillar with a chest on top.
![Penitent Chamber chest 2](
Undercut hair
Found in the Halls of Ranvell. From the meditaiton point, drop down to the ledge with storm troopers and grapple inside the wall. Proceed until you must climb a grate outside and get back inside. A small walk forward and you’ll be able to jump up some close walls. Do so, then turn around. There will be another wall that leads up to a higher hallway, with a chest at the end.
![Halls of Ranvell chest 2](
Commander Jacket
Found in the Arid Flats. From the meditation point, walk left and around the cliff. When you reach the end of the raised rock path, drop down and you’ll see a chest ahead.
![Arid Flats chest 1](
Commander pants
Found in Arid Flats. By the top meditation point, the chest should be right next to you.
![Arid Flats chest 2](
Jedi Outfit (jacket and pants)
Found in the Trailhead Pantheon. From the meditation point, enter the circular room nearby and go up the stairs. From there, wall run around the room until you reach a hidden space. Inside is a chest.
![Trailhead Pantheon chest 2](
Wanderer shirt material
Found in the Path of Restoration. Climb to the lower zipline pole. Next to this will be a chest.
![Path of Restoration chest 1](
Wanderer pants material
Requires air dash. Found in the Monastery Walls. Make your way to the far left building and grapple up. Jump over the pillars to the force tear, then turn around. Air dash to the wall you can climb up, and you’ll find a chest on the roof.
![Monastery Wall chest 5](
Exile jacket material
Requires balloon grapple. Found in the Arid Flats. Grapple up to the balloon near the Anchorite Base meditation point to the platform above. Drop down, kill the skriton, then climb up the nearby wall. From there, turn around and you’ll find a chest on a higher platform.
![Arid Flats chest 3](
All Shattered Moon hair and clothing
Duelist Jacket material
Found in the Array Channel. Drop down into the room filled with droids and raiders in the firing chamber, then look right. You’ll see a wall you can grapple to and run across. Do so, and you’ll find a chest on a platform overlooking the room below.
![Array Channel chest 1](
All Nova Garon hair and clothing
Bomber shirt material
Found in Hangar Bay. Use an electro dart to summon a balloon over the hanger, then jump from it back towards the path you just came from. On top, you’ll find a chest.
![Hangar Bay chest 1](