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Broken Age Act 2 will be available to everyone today

Broken Age is finally complete, ending the three year saga of Double Fine Adventure.


Broken Age Act 2 released to backers yesterday, 24 hours ahead of its general release on Tuesday, US time.

Those who bought the game through Steam after the first half released, or who pick it up now, should find they have access to the second half some time today, if they haven't already. It should hit PS4 and Vita, as well.

Broken Age began life as a Kickstarter project called Double Fine Adventure. It is credited with beginning the Kickstarter revolution, which has so far yielded a number of treasures including Shadowrun returns, Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity.

Double Fine's success was not unmitigated by controversy, and the indie learned many lessons along the way, as well as during its later experiments with Early Access launches. The Kickstarter campaign for Double Fine Adventure far outweighed the initial funding goal, leading to a rethink of the project's scope, which blew expected development time out hugely. Additionally, the project turned out to be too expensive to complete on its initial budget, and had to be split into two halves, with sales of the first helping Double Fine complete the second.

But it's all sorted out now; go forth and enjoy.

Broken Age is $25 on Steam for Linux, Mac and PC. I haven't yet fired up the second half, but I did enjoy the first act, mostly, and reviews for the second have been pretty positive. There was no weird embargo nonsense this time, thankfully.

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