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Zynga Japan shuttered, Ayakashi support to continue

Zynga has announced the imminent closure of its Japanese studio, ending support for all but one game.

Develop reports the studio will officially shut down on January 31.

Zynga will continue to provide support for Android and iOS effort Ayakashi: Ghost Guild, but fellow Zynga Japan-developed titles Machitsuku and Montopia were among a number of games shelved over the holidays.

The company's dissolution notice cites "various reasons" for the closure; it's almost certainly a result of Zynga's cost-cutting initiatives.

Zynga Japan, known as Unoh prior to its acquisition by the social publisher and partner SoftBank, opened in June 2010. It localised internationally-developed Zynga titles in addition to later developing its own products, at least some of which came west.

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