You can buy E3's most gorgeous downloadable reveal right now
Entwined is a beautiful downloadable release from a secret new team at Sony. Revealed during the platform holder's E3 2014 briefing, it can be yours right now.
Put together by a team of new grads called Pixelopus, Entwined is an adventure starring two entities in love. The player must bring the two together, after which they'll take on dragon forms (this happens to me ALL THE TIME) and craft a living sculpture in the sky.
It sounds men-tile but it looks beautiful, and Sony gave us all a bit of a shock bu suddenly announcing it's available for PS4 on the PSN right now for $10. That's North America only, it seems, but keep your fingers crossed.
PS3 and Vita versions are on the way within "about a month" and the title supports cross-buy. You can grab the soundtrack via the PS Store or iTunes, too.
This is one of a couple of games that were revealed by trademarks prior to the show.