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Xbox will be whipping out its "biggest booth yet" at Gamescom 2024, while PlayStation and Nintendo give the show a miss

The green brand's even put out a list of games you can expect to see there.

The Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo logos.
Image credit: Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo

Xbox has officially announced that it's not only going to have presence at this year's Gamescom, but will be assembling its "biggest booth yet", while PlayStation and Nintendo have both confirmed they're giving the show a miss.

Yep, just one of the big three is planning to rock up in Cologne, meaning that there'll be absolutely no console wars-esque discourse the entire time the show is on. Surely, right? Okay, so definitely not, but at least there won't be any photos of Xbox and PlayStation logos facing each other like they're the flags of two sides engaged in of some kind of dramatic ancient conflict, rather than the occasional bout of corporate handbags.

"The Xbox team is heading BACK to Gamescom," the console maker has just announced via a Tweet, adding: "Visit us at our biggest booth yet August 21-25!" Hey, at least there was enough restraint shown that the tweet didn't contain the exact dimensions of this big booth, followed up by the line 'see, we weren't kidding, it's bigger than your dad's shed'.

That's not all either, as Xbox shared a list cotaining at least some of the games "you can expect to see" it show off at Gamescom. Avowed and Ara: History Untold seem like the biggest of those announced so far, with Age of Mythology: Retold, Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred, Diablo Immortal, The Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76, Towerborne, and World of Warcraft: The War Within filling out the list, while Xbox stressed there's "more to come".

PlayStation, on the other hand, has confirmed to Eurogamer today that it will be skipping the show, as it has the past couple of years, having not actually appeared at an edition of the show since the halcyon pre-pandemic days of 2019. Nintendo's also not popping up in Cologne this year, something it confirmed back in April, which is a bit more atypical.

So, there you go. Some information about what the big cheeses are doing when it comes to Gamescom this year, which is one of the next stops on the 'here are some games' rollercoaster now that we're past Not-E3.

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