Here's how much Xbox One will cost at launch in Japan, first games confirmed
Xbox One has been priced in Japan, ahead of its September 4 launch. Microsoft has also unveiled the console's launch game line-up.
It follows more than 40 developers pledging their support to Xbox One in Japan. It's a solid list.
From September 4, Japanese gamers will be able to pick up two Xbox One bundles. The first comes with Kinect at ¥49,980 / £291 / $490, while the other comes without at ¥39,980 / £233 / $392.
The launch line-up includes the usual suspects Forza Motorsport 5, Kinect Sports Rivals, Dead Rising 3 and Ryse: Son of Rome.
Square Enix has also pledged to distribute Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Thief and Call of Duty: Ghosts in Japan.
Via CVG.