What happens on your birthday in Wuthering Waves?
An overview of what to expect on the day you set as your birthday in Wuthering Waves, plus a full list of WuWa character birthdays.
Update: With the release of Wuthering Waves Version 2.0, we have added all known birthdays of new Resonators (characters) added to the game since launch.
Like most gacha RPGs, Wuthering Waves invites you to tell it when your birthday is. You're under absolutely no obligation to tell it the truth, of course, if you're particularly concerned about privacy; but genre veterans will probably be expecting something good in return for giving up this basic bit of personal info. You might even be tempted to enter the date you created your account as your birthday, in order to receive any gifts or freebies as soon as possible while your Rover is still getting themselves set up.
But what exactly happens on your birthday in Wuthering Waves — or on a character's birthday? Here's what to expect.
What happens on your birthday in Wuthering Waves?
Somewhat anticlimactically, right now nothing special happens on the player's birthday in Wuthering Waves. Logging into your WuWa account on the day you input as your birthday doesn't convey any gifts or bonuses, and the game acts as though it were really a day like any other.
It's a bit disappointing, but the fact that Wuthering Waves allows you to set your birthday on your profile presumably means that a related feature is in the works; it just didn't make it into the game at launch. Too bad for all those fibbers (and a minority of genuinely aggrieved late-May babies) who set a day near to the launch date as their birthday hoping to cash in some freebies, and now have to wait a full year to see if anything ever comes of it.
How to set your birthday in Wuthering Waves
To set your birthday on your Wuthering Waves profile, open the game menu and click on the three vertical dots button next to your profile picture.
This allows you to edit your avatar, sigil, name, and bio; copy your UID for the purposes of befriending other players; and, most importantly for our purposes, set your birthday.
Note that you can only set your birthday once and it cannot be modified once selected, so whether you intend to tell the truth or not, just make sure you've got the right date.
Finally, for the benefit of my fellow Europeans, bear in mind that WuWa uses the Asian date format of YYYY/MM/DD — so if your chosen birthday's early in the month, be careful not to get the month and day mixed up!
Wuthering Waves character birthday list
Wuthering Waves also gives an official birth date for all of its playable units, which in games of this type usually means you'll get a little reward for logging into the game on a given character's birthday.
Like your own birthday, nothing of note occurs on a character's birthday either. There's no unique dialogue, special events, or rewards.
Meantime, here's a full list of every character's birthday in Wuthering Waves:
Character | Birthday |
Rover | Player-selected |
Sanhua | January 20th |
Roccia | January 31st |
Taoqi | February 25th |
The Shorekeeper | February 27th |
Jinhsi | March 6th |
Encore | March 21st |
Jianxin | April 6th |
Chixia | April 18th |
Verina | May 18th |
Aalto | June 11th |
Calcharo | July 8th |
Lingyang | August 8th |
Danjin | August 31st |
Baizhi | September 10th |
Yinlin | September 17th |
Yuanwu | October 2nd |
Yangyang | October 11th |
Youhu | October 13th |
Mortefi | November 6th |
Camellya | December 10th |
Jiyan | December 14th |
Zhezhi | December 31st |
Xiangli Yao | Not Known |
Some characters added to Wuthering Waves do not have birthdays, or at the very least, they're not yet known. Xiangli Yao is one character where it's common knowledge that his birthday is unknown, but other characters — such as Carlotta, Youhu, and Lumi — have never had their birthdays mentioned during their promotion and release, hence not being on this list!
While it's a little bit of a let-down that Kuro Games forgot your birthday, at least you can distract yourself by raising your Union Level in order to hang out with your friends in Co-Op mode while you wait to see if this feature gets more weighty further down the line.