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World War Z trailer shows off terrifyingly huge zombie hordes

World War Z's Swarm engine will pit you against hundreds of individual zombies at any given time.

Ever since the first zombie-based video game was designed, fans and developers alike have wondered: How big can the horde be at a single-time? Going by its latest trailer, World War Z may be set to about to take the record. Players will need to face an unending stream of fast zombies, and just standing in one place likely means you'll be swarmed immediately.

World War Z will use Saber Interactive's Swarm engine, which is specifically intended for handling massive enemy numbers. The game can spawn hundreds of "zekes" at a time, all of which rush forward as a pack. Just like in the movie, zombies can also climb on their own bodies to overcome walls and barricades. Even if facing a single zombie, Saber's "diverse zombie mechanics" means you'll never be sure if it will run or literally leap over your bullets.

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Of course, there are some strategies players can use to defend themselves. Zombie swarms spawn at different rates depending on how silent you are, so melee and silenced weapons can be life-savers. When all hell breaks loose however, your co-op team will need a defense strategy pretty quickly.

World War Z is due for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One sometime in 2019. Good luck with the hordes.

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