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World of Warcraft: 'no plans to raise F2P cap above level 20' - Blizzard

World of Warcraft developer Blizzard has no intention of raising the game's free-to-play level cap, CVG has been told.

Producer John Lagrave told CVG about the decision, "You know, we looked at it lots, we looked at whether Level 20 would give you a good sense of what our game is, and we think it does. There's also a lot of things in the game that are special that we want to reserve for our paying customers."

World of Warcraft is one of dying breed of MMO games that still use a subscription model, despite subscriber numbers falling rapidly. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria is the next expansion pack to release for the game, and it will raise the level cap to 90, as well as offering some new F2P content.

Stay tuned for our World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria interview soon.

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