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Wolfenstein: The New Order - Warren Spector apologizes over comments

Bethesda has released the debut video for Wolfenstein: The New Order to the masses, now that the exclusivity period has ended on it. Get it below. Meanwhile, Warren Spector has apologized to fans over comments he made regarding the game yesterday.

According to a post on his Facebook page, Spector apparently p**sed off a bunch of Wolfenstein fans yesterday when he asked if the world "really needed another Wolfenstein game," as he was "so tired" of "generically dark, monochromatic, FPS, kill-the-Nazi-giant-robot games."

Today, Spector said he owed the the Wolfenstein team an apology, as he wasn't "trying to diss" them or the game.

"I have total respect for anyone making a game," he said. "I know how hard it is… And to everyone who pointed out that I didn't know enough about the game to judge, well, you were right. Consider this my mea culpa. I hope I can buy you guys a coffee or something at some show to make up for all this rigamarole.

"I'm disappointed that people assume they know my motivations for saying what I said. I'm not bitter about the "failure" of the Disney Epic Mickey games - I don't consider them failures.

"Though I was wrong to take out general frustrations on an individual game and on a single team, I'll stand by my overall statement about lack of variety and innovation in mainstream gaming. I was simply expressing, once again, my long-held belief that we make too many shooters, lots of which look, sound and feel like basically the same game dressed up in different clothes. I've been saying that for years - it's nothing new.

"Wolfenstein got in the line of fire, but I've been shooting at this target for a long time."

Wolfenstein: The New Order is a single-player FPS which is in the works for PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and next-gen systems.

It is in development at MachineGames and is set for release in Q4 2013.

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