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What games are you most looking forward to playing in 2016?

This year was big for great video games - but what's caught your eye for 2016?

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The Witcher 3, Dying Light, Fallout 4, Bloodborne, Life Is Strange, The Phantom Pain, Ori and the Blind Forest, Rocket League, Legacy of the Void, Super Mario Maker. I could go on…

Truth is, 2015 was one of the best years for games in a long time. It's going to be tough to top it.

But 2016 is looking pretty good already. There's the return of some console favourties, some of which we haven't seen for what seems like ages. There's brand new projects coming for Sony and Microsoft's consoles, and VR is going to land at some point and make a giant mess of things.

So what games do you have high hopes for in 2016? I'll go first:

I'm curious about Far Cry Primal in February, but not that hopeful it'll be as stellar as Far Cry 4 was. Something tells me it's going to feel a big "budget", you know? The same goes for Hitman a month later. I'd like a return to form, but worry it's one of those titles that has had its day.

It's not until April and the release of Quantum Break that I can say there's a new IP I'm genuinely interested in. I loved Alan Wake and I'm hoping Quantum Break will manage to try something different as a single-player game, provided Microsoft's ambitious TV show tie-in doesn't stretch the concept to breaking point. Give me a reason to switch my Xbox One back on, MS.

Speaking of Xbox One, I'd love Gears of War 4 and Crackdown 3 to come back really strong in 2016.

No Man's Sky in June sounds interesting. At the minute it's full of promise but whether or not it delivers we can't possibly tell until release. I hope it doesn't end up being No Man's Spore, if you know what I mean.

What else am I pumped for? I can't resist the carnage of something like Doom, the promise of The Last Guardian, and I'm hoping my big RPG fix will come via Mass Effect: Andromeda.

But what about you? What games are you really looking forward to playing next year?

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