Wednesday Shorts 2: Burger Time HD, Age of Conan PhysX, WoW, 3DS vs microwave, SFII is 20, Penny Arcade
Sometimes, short can be a good thing indeed. Especially when you double up.
- After being outed by the ESRB yesterday, MonekyPaw has put up a teaser site for Burger Time HD. You will like it.
- Virtua Tennis 4 has been confirmed for a summer release on PC.
- Street Fighter II is 20. Thanks 1UP for the reminder that we are as old as dirt.
- Viva Media has released a developer diary for Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops.
- Dynasty Warriors 7 is getting DLC in the form of Japanese voiceovers.
- Watch a mad scientist-type guy microwave a 3DS in a massive microwave.
- A Hoard demo is now available on Steam. The game is out April 6.
- A couple more inFamous 2 images have popped up online. Surely, they are new.
- Zombie co-op shooter Dead Horde from DnS Development is out in June.
- The EU PS Blog has word on the Next Evolution of Novus Prime in PS Home.
- Beta testing for Rise of the Immortals starts on April 5.
- ArenaNet fans will be able to follow the firm around the world thanks to its summer festival plans.
- Age of Conan has an updated engine, and is now the first ever PC game to boast server-side physics thanks to Nvidia's PhysX tech.
- TQ Digital has announced the final Mac beta for Conquer Online starts on April 8.
- Blizzard says the 4.1 patch for WoW will provide guild benefits ranging from XP boosts, to gold deposited into the Guild Vault and tons more.
- Those crazy coots behind Penny Arcade have announced a hybrd-RPG-board game thing called The Lookouts.
- A video fro 99Bullets is posted over on D'toid.