Wednesday E3 Shorts 2: Kinect Fun Labs, App store, uDraw, more
It's more E3 shorts.
- THQ is to release uDraw for PS3 and Xbox 360 in the fall. Just to confirm what you already knew.
- Gameloft has hit the 200 Million download mark on App Store, while Chillingo has moved past 140 million downloads.
- Check out Kinect Fun Labs in action with a cat.
- Mad Catz has announced a new range of Xbox 360 co-branded, licensed headsets.
- Want more FFXIII-information than you know what to do with? Then click here, here, here and here.
- Tecmo Koei has announced its line-up for E3. A bit late, we might add.
- There's some Tales of the Abyss screens through the link, there.
- Razer is making Star Wars: The Old Republic peripherals.
- Want to watch a bunch of video interviews? Here's some: SSX - Avalanches, Maps, and Co-op; Alice: Madness Returns with American McGee; Dragon's Dogma Interview; Ray Muzyka on why Mass Effect 3's delay to 2012 will pay off.