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Watch Salt and Sanctuary's 2D take on Dark Souls

Salt and Sanctuary is the latest game that tries to work with the Souls games formula. Only this time, it's in 2D.


Ska Studios, the eccentric developers responsible for Charlie Murder, The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, and I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1NIT!!!1 (all of which are absolutely real and incredible games), have brought their latest game, Salt and Sanctuary, to E3.

The game borrows a lot of mechanics from the Souls series, such as branching paths, brutal timing-based combat, environmental hazards, and much more. It then tries to fit them into a 2D platformer mould.

Judging by the gameplay they showed so far, it appears to mostly succeed.

The studio's James Silva sits down to give everyone a demo. Watch it below.

Watch on YouTube

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