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Watch gameplay of the lethal new, shotgun-only, Battlefield 1 custom mode Eye to Eye

Does making everyone run with shotguns amplify or suppress complaints about how they can sometimes be overpowered?

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Alongside the most recent Battlefield 1 patch, DICE released a new map and unlocked a new custom game mode. The mode is called Eye to Eye, and it's basically shotgun heaven.

Eye to Eye is a variant of Domination, played only on Amiens. Ticket count is upped 200 percent, to offset the increased lethality. Oh, and you don't regenerate lost health. What's more, because you can't spawn as a medic, when you're dead, you're dead.

In his video above, Westie brings you a full round of the custom mode, demonstrating that even if your HP is down to a single digit, you can still do well.

It definitely looks like it requires a different mindset when playing than your usual Battlefield match, because we're used to hiding behind cover waiting for the health regen to kick most of the time.

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