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Watch Dogs will contain seamless multiplayer according to senior producer - video

Watch Dogs will contain seamless multiplayer, according to senior producer Dominique Guay. During gamescom, VG247's Sam Clay took a look at the mode, and walked away well-versed on the game's DedSec faction.

DedSec is a group of hackers residing in Chicago, who tend to leave trademark tags all over the city.

The group is apparently no friend the game's protagonist Aiden Pearce, and they have even "warned" the public over his hacking into the ctOS system which controls the city's e utilities, and security networks.

Likely these are a bad bunch our hero will have to take down at some point.

Speaking of DedSec, there's a DedSec Editionof the game on offer from Ubisoft. Get the details on it here.

Watch Dogs hits PC, PS3, Wii U and Xbox 360 on November 19 in the States, and November 22 across Europe. It will also be made available as a launch title on PS4 and Xbox One.

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