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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine demo trailers ramp up the hype

THQ has released not one, but three trailers to promote the demo which itself promotes Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine.

The first two show a variety of people revelling in their status as Space Marines - which appears to be largely true, as everyone in the whole world seems to be playing this thing and loving it.

The last one has a bit more substance and shows off some gameplay - although, obviously, if you have your console hooked up to the magical Internet, you can grab the demo and look at it with your very own eyeballs.

Don't forget to check out Pat's video playthrough of the demo - he made no bones about having fallen in love and proposed marriage to it.

Space Marine is set to launch on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on September 6 in the US and September 9 in the UK. The demo's out now on all three platforms.

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