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VR headset install base will reach 70 million by the end of 2017, says analyst

Virtual reality will not have a problem with install base, according to games industry analyst firm Superdata.


Superdata predicts 70 million VR headsets will be in the wild by the end of calendar 2017, resulting in $8.8 billion in VR hardware revenue and $6.1 billion in VR software sales.

The firm set its targets in the wake of last week's Samsung Gear VR launch. The $99 headset hit the market on Friday, and has attracted positive launch reviews despite requiring a Samsung Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, S6 Edge Plus or Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to function. Superdata believes mobile VR device sales will reach 18 million by the end of 2015.

“Initially, affordable smartphone devices will drive the bulk of sales as consumers first explore virtual reality before committing to the more expensive platforms,” SuperData Director of Research Stephanie Llamas said.

“After this first wave, however, it will be especially console gamers that will spur growth of high-end VR devices.”

Superdata's research suggests about 31% of American console gamers plan to pick up a PlayStation VR, which is a fair slice of the 11 million strong US PS4 install base. 18% of PC gamers indicate they'll get an Oculus Rift, which is also pretty impressive. Both headsets launch in 2016.

Here's a lovely table of Superdata's predictions.


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