Volition staffer champions anti-used game systems
Volition design director Jameson Durall has said rumours of an anti-used game system in the next Xbox console sound "fantastic" - and not in the way that means "unbelievable".
"Personally I think this would be a fantastic change for our business and even though the consumers would be up in arms about it at first they will grow to understand why and that it won’t kill them," Durall wrote on AltDevBlogADay.
"The used games market is significantly impacting the revenue we receive. I think what most consumers don’t realize is that every time they buy a used game, there is ZERO money making it back to the Game Developers. All of those profits are going directly to the re-seller and making it more and more difficult for us to continue making higher quality products."
Durall said action must be taken against the second hand trade or the games industry "is going to fall apart".
"People often don’t understand the cost that goes into creating these huge experiences that we put on the shelves for only $60. They also don’t seem to realize how much they are hurting us when they buy a used game and how pirating a copy is just plain stealing."
The designer said remedies like DLC and online passes don't do enough to return revenue to developers, but acknowledged that blocking used games would also disadvantage gamers, by putting an end to lending games between friends and rentals.
Thanks, CVG.