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Single Player (Page 19)

The exterior of Washington Lodge at night, as seen through the trees.

Before Sunrise | How to save everyone in Until Dawn

Full walkthroughs on how to ensure each of the eight main characters survive the night. You can also ignore this advice if you want to get everyone killed - there are trophies for both, so I'm not judging.
James Sunderland walks through the alley in Wood Side Apartments in the Silent Hill 2 remake

Creepy Crawlies | Silent Hill 2 Bug Room keypad code

Here’s how to escape the room full of bugs that you will find yourself trapped in during the Silent Hill 2 remake.
Artwork showing characters by a campfire that can be picked in the Diablo 4 beta.

BRAVE ADVENTURER | Diablo 4 best class - Class Tier List

Excited to get into the Diablo 4? Here's our Diablo 4 class tier list, and the best class for different roles.
Artwork for the Roblox game Unknown RNG showing magical, star-like effects.

Unknown RNG codes

Boost your luck and roll for the rarest titles.