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VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.30: The best game that made you uninstall

Why would you uninstall the best game ever?

Welcome to VG247's Best Games Ever Podcast: Episode 30 - the best game that made you uninstall.

Uninstalling crap games is one thing. But uninstalling a game that would qualify in some way as a "best ever"? That's a difficult thing to imagine, or determine. Unfortunately for our panellists, that's the game.

Here's a photo of Chris Bratt in front of an Allied Carpets because carpets are a thing you can install or uninstall I guess I dunno. (Support friends of VG247, People Make Games, on Patreon).

Cast: Tom Orry, Alex Donaldson, Connor Makar, and Jim Trinca.

Our picks this week (SPOILERS AHEAD):


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Tom didn't like this so he uninstalled it. That's it. That's the story.

Alex - Street Fighter V

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When Alex came out with this I had to double check that it really was Alex speaking and not Connor via some sort of elaborate Alex Donaldson Snapchat Filter.

Connor - Guilty Gear Strive

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Imagine getting battered by a 12yr old? Honestly, this is one of the most harrowing tales we've heard all year.

Please do let us know what you think of the show – and if this is your first time listening, do go back to listen to the previous episodes. If you’ve got suggestions for topics, send them our way.

“What is VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast?” you ask? Well, it is essentially a 30-minute panel show where people (Jim Trinca and associates) decide on the best game in a specific category. That's it. It's good. Listen to it.

Come back in a week for another exciting instalment of VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast.

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