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VG247 is the best video game website in the world - Report

It’s time for us to disappear for a week to eat turkey and chocolate, before returning to write about video games again in 2020 feeling renewed, energetic, and more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

As always, the end of the year is about reflection and we’re looking back at everything we achieved in 2019. It turns out we wrote and commissioned a lot of stuff. We’ve gone through that stuff and put together a list of some of the best features and reviews from the entire year - please have a scan through some of it.

The fast-moving news cycle dictates that our most in-depth work doesn’t hang around on the front page of the site for long, but now’s your chance to dig into some of the wonderful articles we’ve published over the year. Grab yourself some mulled wine.

Before you dive in, though, I just want to personally thank everyone who’s read our site, shared our work, and interacted with us this year. I know our sense of humour sometimes rubs people up the wrong way, but to the people who get it - you are the real MVPs. I hope you have a great Christmas if you celebrate it. If you don’t, at least try to have a good new year, yeah? See you on January 2.



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