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Valve sends Remedy a mystery box, contents revealed

Valve has sent Quantum Break developer Remedy Entertainment a red mystery box, and the studio is teasing its contents. It's going to lift the lid - quite literally - today and share what's inside. Half-Life 3?

UPDATE: It's chocolate. Just chocolate, which is infinitely less-fun than Half-Life 3.

ORIGINAL STORY: I know, I know, why would it be? But Brenna recently wrote this neat article about the whole Half-Life 3 thing this week. Definitely check it out if you're fed up of waiting.

Here's Remedy's tweet:

What's in the box? What's in the box? What's in the booooox?

(Play us out Brad)

Thanks AGB and CapnBob for the video.

Disclosure: Yes, it's a slow news day.

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