US PS Store Update, April 3 - I Am Alive, free Plus games, Canabalt
Not a heck of a lot happening in this week's PlayStation Store update, but what is there is worth checking out.
Plus subscribers have the meatiest news this week, with a free copy of Silent Hill, Canabalt, Shank 2 and Shift 2 Unleashed.
I Am Alive is the only really major release added this week, but there's some reasonable DLC available.
Of minor note are a number of Home items; it's the first time in ages I've seen this content included in the Store update.
Otherwise, it's largely bells and whistles, See the full update below, courtesy of the US PS Blog.
- PlayStation Plus
- Free Games:
- Shank 2
- Shift 2 Unleashed
- Canabalt
- Farm Frenzy 2
- Silent Hill - Free Avatars & Dynamic Theme:
- Escape Plan Bakuki Avatar
- Escape Plan Laarg Avatar
- Escape Plan Lil Avatar
- Escape Plan Logo Avatar
- Escape Plan Triangle Avatar
- Stripe Shift 2 Dynamic Theme - Discounts:
- Wheels of Destruction (20% off, PS+ Price:$7.99)
- Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe Digital (50% off, $9.79)
- Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection (50% off, PS+ Price: $4.89)
- Mortal Kombat – DLC Warrior Bundle (50% off, PS+ Price:$7.34)
- Mortal Kombat – Freddy Kreuger (50% off, PS+ Price:$2.44)
- Mortal Kombat – Klassic Skins Pack 1 (50% off, PS+ Price:$2.44)
- Mortal Kombat – Warrior Kenshi (50% off, PS+ Price:$2.44)
- Mortal Kombat – Warrior Skarlet (50% off, PS+ Price:$2.44)
- Mortal Kombat – Warrior Rain (50% off, PS+ Price:$2.44) - Exclusive Avatar Bundles:
- Devil May Cry 3 Avatar Bundle (PS+ Price:$0.99)
- Devil May Cry Avatar Bundle (PS+ Price:$0.99)
- Devil May Cry 2 Avatar Bundle (PS+ Price:$0.99)
- PSN Games
- Wheels Of Destruction ($9.99)
- The Price Is Right Decades ($9.99)
- I Am Alive ($14.99)
- Game Demos (free)
- Warp Demo
- Time Machine: Rogue Pilot Demo
- I Am Alive Demo
- Apps
- (free)
- PSP minis
- Canabalt (Minis) ($2.99)
- Farm Frenzy 2 – Minis ($4.99)
- PS Vita Add-Ons
- MotorStorm RC (x4) (free – $2.99)
- Blazblue: Cse – System Voice Arrange Kokonoe Type-A, Type-B (Vita Dlc) (Cross Entitled With PS3) ($5.99)
- Ridge Racer Music Pack 16 & 17 “Variety #1 – #2” (free)
- Army Corps Of Hell – Bunny Ears Equipment Set (free)
- Add-on Game Content
- EyePet & Friends (x10) ($0.69 – $2.99)
- LittleBigPlanet 2 (x5) ($1.99 – $5.99)
- MotorStorm RC (x4) (free – $2.99)
- Blazblue: Cse – System Voice Arrange Kokonoe Type-A, Type-B (PS3 Dlc) (Cross Entitled With Vita ($5.99)
- Asura’s Wrath – Additional Episode 15.5 ($1.99)
- Street Fighter X Tekken (x46) (free- $12.49)
- SSX: Eddie And More (free)
- Soulcalibur V (x5) (free – $2.99)
- Tales Of Graces F (x11) ($0.99 – $3.99)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 DLC (x4) (free – $1.99)
- Ninja Gaiden 3 (x7) ($1.99 – $9.99)
- Rocksmith – Bring Me To Life By Evanescence ($2.99)
- Rocksmith – Pumped Up Kicks By Foster The People ($2.99)
- Rocksmith – This Love by Maroon 5 ($2.99)
- Rock Band 3
- "Everybody’s Fool” – Evanescence ($1.99)
- “Lithium” – Evanescence ($1.99)
- “What You Want” – Evanescence ($1.99)
- “Do the Donkey Kong” – Buckner & Garcia ($1.99)
- “Indiscriminate Murder is Counter Productive” – Machinae Supremacy ($1.99)
- “Over the Top” – White Wizzard ($1.99)
- “Starlight Speedway” – Rocket Ship Resort ($0.99)
- “Tear It Up” – Jerry Naylor ($1.99)
- Updates
- Mortal Kombat – Warrior Kenshi (Spring Fever Sale) (now $3.49, original price $4.99)
- Mortal Kombat – Dlc Warrior Bundle (Spring Fever Sale) (now $10.49, original price $14.99)
- Mortal Kombat – Freddy Kreuger (Spring Fever Sale) (now $3.49, original price $4.99)
- Mortal Kombat – Klassic Skins Pack 1 (Spring Fever Sale) (now $3.49, original price $4.99)
- Mortal Kombat – Warrior Skarlet (Spring Fever Sale) (now $3.49, original price $4.99)
- Mortal Kombat Warrior Rain (Spring Fever Sale) (now $3.49, original price $4.99)
- Prototype (Price Change) (now $19.99, original price $29.99)
- Mortal Kombat vs. DC (Spring Fever Sale) (now $13.99, original price $19.99)
- Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection (Spring Fever Sale) (now $6.99 , original price $9.99)
- MotorStorm RC – BONUS Supermini Duckie (PS3/PS Vita Cross Entitled add-on) (now free, original price $0.49)
- Avatars and Themes
- Escape Plan Avatars (x6) ($0.49 each)
- Unit 13 Avatars (x5) ($0.49 each)
- Devil May Cry Avatars (x30) ($0.49 each)
- Z.H.P. Avatars (x3) ($0.49)
- Lake Of Sorrows by Jasper Goodall PSP Theme ($1.49)
- Collide o’Scope by Luke Insect PSP Theme ($1.49)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 Custom Theme (free)
- Abstract Ocean Flight Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Abstract Firework Symphony Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Ups and Downs by Jody Barton Theme ($1.49)
- Elements by On Repeat Theme ($1.99)
- PS Home
- PlayStation Home Companions Pack
- PlayStation Home Female Hairstyles Pack
- PlayStation Home Furniture Pack 2
- PlayStation Home Neon Pack
- PlayStation Home Combat Armored Suit Pack
- Game Videos (free)
- Bioshock Infinite – Heavy Hitters: Motorized Patriot Trailer
- Journey Story Trailer
- Journey Launch Trailer
- The Tester Season 3 Episode 9