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Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play: Oddball DLC available today

Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play has a new bit of DLC available today called Oddball which has something to do with Extraterrestrial Abductions Day -a day I have never heard of myself, to be honest. I am sure my brother has, though. Anyway, alongside the DLC, many other Oddball parts will be available for purchase through the in-game store or the PlayStation Store after PSN updates today in North America. New DLC will be made available for purchase every month until June. Alongside today's DLC are new Tournament rewards include the Gas Mask Gun and Gas Mask Shirt and if you hit the gold tier, you'll earn the British Guard Hat for Cutter as well as Raptor Mask for Drake and Dive Helmet for Talbot by achieving Platinum status. Use your tickets to enter into the weekly Tournament and get more information through the PS Blog.

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