Tuesday Shorts - Zynga targets China, Dwarf Fortress class, iPad magic, more
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- CryEngine 3 has been licensed for a free to play shooter called Lethal Enterprise.
- Now this is cool. Two Worlds II: Castle Defence now has eye-tracking capabilities on the iPad. It's the god damn future.
- The guys and gals at EA Sports says the AI in NHL 12 is amazing. Well, they would, wouldn't they - but they talk a could talk.
- Zynga is expanding into China with a new version of Cityville. It'll be interesting to see whether it or Rovio carves out the bigger slice.
- Final Fantasy Tactics had finally made it to the certification stage on iDevice. not long to wait now, hopefully.
- PlayStation Home has gone all Dead Island on us. Awesome.
- Got an email this morning saying the Facebook version of Diner Dash is closing down. Gamasutra says the game has seen massive drop off in users.
- Siliconera's got a great interview with the voice over director on Catherine, all about bringing the romance sim bits to life in English.
- Nintendo says the Amazon 3DS issue has been resolved. Seems to have been a bit of a blip, that one.
- Dwarf Fortress is a hot topic at the moment, so if you're keen to get on board, there's an online class you can take. If I had time to become deeply addicted to one of the deepest strategy simulation games around, I'd be all over that shizzle. All my dwarfs die.
- Neil Burger, who just signed up to direct the Uncharted film, has taken on another project. This means little beyond confirming that the film's in very early stages.
- There's a new ship in Battlestar Galactica Online. I know, I know.
Today's unrelated street art was very nearly usurped by a hilarious picture of a pig.