Tuesday Shorts II: The "Not as Long as the Previous Shorts" edition
Poor Brenna. Her fingers must still be smarting from the shorts post she did this morning. Lady Luck was apparently on my side today for a change, as my shorts post is rather minuscule in comparison. I won't get used to it though. Lady Luck took a walk on me ages ago.
- Quick PSA: the massive XBL sale on Xbox Live is, um, live. Lots of deals in there.
- NIS has detailed The Witch and the Hundred Soldiers, its open-world, hack and slash RPG for PS3.
- Screenshot featuring Yukiko and Kanji have appeared for Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayanoka Arena.
- Tommy Wiseau has a brand new show centered on video games via YouTube called The Tommy Wi-Show.
- GameFront just keeps rubbing the Diablo III beta in our faces with more screenshots.
- The opening sequence to The Simpsons has been given the Minecraft treatment.
- Twisted Pixel has revealed just how The Gunstringer came to exist.
- Remember the knife trick Bishop, aka Lance Henriksen, did in Aliens? Well, it's been added to Aliens: Infestation as a minigame.
- A developer diary has been released for Orcs Must Die!
Enjoy the NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Generations trailer below, thanks to StolenGlory.