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Trion Worlds job listings suggest its SyFy MMO may hit Xbox 360


Trion Worlds has posted a job listing on Gamasutra for a senior console programmer, and the post notes it's an Xbox 360-specific position.

While the listing doesn't say what game the firm is hiring for, it does mention "AAA" and Xbox 360, and previous MMO experience is considered a plus

Trion is also hiring a senior game/systems designer for its SyFy Action MMO. The job description calls for someone with experience working on action games for consoles, "such as PS3, Xbox, etc." and who has the "passion for and experience with multiplayer games, especially MMOs".

Finally, the firm is also hiring an executive producer with RTS experience who will "manage all aspects of Petroglyph’s third party game development efforts for Trion" as well as an "internal Trion production team to guide and assist Petroglyph" and it would be a plus if they has experience with MMO development/MMO live team experience or experience establishing a new IP.  This must be for the MMORTS which was announced last year by the two firms.

If you are interested in applying or are just curious, the job listings can be found here.

It sounds like the SyFy MMO Trion has been working on with the cable TV channel since 2008 may be hitting 360 as well as PC if those postings are any indication. We'll send a mail and ask to be sure.

Trion's MMO RIFT launches on March 1 in the US and March 4 in the UK. Those who pre-order the game can start playing it as early as February 24, and those who sign up for a VIP/founder's account will automatically be let in on any future betas and can lock in a $9.99 per month subscription.

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