- aurora studios
- austin
- Austin GDC 2008
- Austin Wintory
- Australia
- Australia tax
- Australian classifications
- Australian Law Reform Commission
- Austria
- auto-chess
- Autodesk
- Autolog
- avalanche
- Avalanche New York
- Avanquest Software
- avatar
- avatar marketplace
- Avatar Motocross Madness
- avatar reality
- avatar-frontiers-of-pandora
- avatars
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Avengers
- Avi Arad
- Avni Yerli
- avowed
- Avseq
- awakened
- awakening
- Awards
- Axe of the Blood God
- axl rose
- Aymeric Evennou
- Back in Action
- Back to the Future
- Back to the Multiverse
- Backlog
- backward compatibility
- Bad Robot
- badland
- Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This?
- bafta
- BAFTA 2009
- BAFTA 2011
- BAFTA 2012
- bafta fellowship
- BAFTA Game Awards
- BAFTA Games Awards 2014
- baja