News Pachter estimates Wii sales up 100% over Christmas - 360 will see a slight rise, PS3 a slight drop Jan. 5, 2009 Mike Bowden
News Patcher expects "software sales to moderate to the low single digits in December" Jan. 5, 2009 Mike Bowden
News NPD: More smartphone owners play games on mobiles than use business apps Nov. 11, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News July NPD - Microsoft focuses on software sales as 360 loses to PS3 Aug. 15, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News July NPD hardware - Nintendo formats crush competition, PS3 beats 360 Aug. 15, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News "Extreme gamers" spend an average of 45 hours per week playing, says NPD Aug. 11, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News March NPD data: Supply will beat PS3 going forward, says Microsoft April 18, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News March NPD data: Microsoft talks GTA and "#2 position" in statement April 18, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News NPD figures: Cut 360 price now to curb PS3 momentum, says analyst March 14, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News NPD figures: Microsoft focuses on GTA IV and "improving" hardware stocks March 14, 2008 Patrick Garratt