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A Life Less Ordinary: Living a Virtual Life

A Life Less Ordinary: Living a Virtual Life

"Life sims" are an interesting spinoff of the strategy and RPG genres, and with the current popularity of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, they're at the forefront of the public's attention at present. Pete investigates some of the most intriguing examples over the years.
JPGamer: Dating Sim Month: Magical Diary

JPGamer: Dating Sim Month: Magical Diary

It may not be a Japanese game in itself, but Hanako Games' Magical Diary is a great example of not only a traditional dating sim model, but also of "otome games" aimed specifically at female players.
"Gritty" and "Mature" Aren't Synonyms

"Gritty" and "Mature" Aren't Synonyms

We saw quite a few games at E3 obviously shooting for adult audiences, but making something dark isn't the only way to be mature.