News Sony PR team reportedly laid-off, ex-staffer mourns 'titles sent out to die' Sept. 25, 2012 Brenna Hillier
News PopCap lay-offs addressed "duplicative" roles, shift to mobile focus - Gibeau Aug. 30, 2012 Brenna Hillier
News Microsoft shutters two projects, issues lay-offs at Vancouver studio July 26, 2012 Brenna Hillier
News The Old Republic still has "one of the biggest" dev teams in the industry May 28, 2012 Brenna Hillier
News EA confirms "small number" of layoffs in Vancouver offices Feb. 3, 2012 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News THQ issues round of lay-offs, internal studios unaffected Jan. 26, 2012 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Sega: Lay-offs help aim for "leadership position" in "digital space" April 23, 2010 Patrick Garratt
News Report: Luxoflux and Underground Development closed, RedOctane layoffs Feb. 12, 2010 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson