News Gearbox is aware of players being "disappointed" with Borderlands' ending. Nov. 25, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Borderlands website gets Zombie Island of Dr. Ned makeover Nov. 21, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned: Borderlands DLC gets previewed Nov. 12, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Aussie Borderlands players will have to redownload the game Oct. 28, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Borderlands multiplayer glitch being addressed, says Gearbox Oct. 27, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Aussie version of Borderlands on Steam being fixed with more blood Oct. 27, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News PC's a "very powerful platform and it’s very flexible," says Pitchford Oct. 7, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Pitchford: "It would be much better if Steam was its own business" Oct. 7, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Gearbox: Borderlands will last around 100 hours the first time through Sept. 23, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Borderlands video introduces the heroes, possibly scoundrels, you can play Sept. 12, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Aliens: Colonial Marines' release hinges on Aliens vs. Predator, says Sega Aug. 24, 2009 Nathan Grayson
News Gearbox's Randy Pitchford is nervous over Borderlands release July 28, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Gearbox says there are "millions and millions" of guns in Borderlands July 16, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Gearbox would love a Borderlands demo, but can't promise one July 3, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Pixar, Gorillaz and Team Fortress 2 inspiration behind new Borderlands art, says Gearbox June 1, 2009 Mike Bowden
News New Borderlands screens show animal with face like female genitalia April 6, 2009 Patrick Garratt
News Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway review embargo at 5pm UK time tonight Sept. 23, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Microsoft confirms internal Halo team growth, adds Gearbox tech director to lineup Aug. 29, 2008 Patrick Garratt