News Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online confirmed for NA and European Release Sept. 11, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News European Xbox 360 price cut in '08: "I can't imagine why they would penalize you folks," says Pachter Sept. 3, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Hines: Leipzig showing was "just as important as E3" for Fallout 3 Sept. 3, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News "Only On PlayStation" badge missing from PAL Resistance 2 cover art Aug. 27, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Reeves: We're a bit behind on video downloads, but we will get there Aug. 26, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Reeves: "I am supremely confident" that PS3 leads 360 in PAL territories - audio Aug. 26, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Reeves: You can play PS3 games while listening to streaming Vidzone movies Aug. 26, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Konami thanks Games Convention for all the fish, confirms for GamesCOM Aug. 25, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News First ever Top Global Markets Report reveals GTA IV is this year's top seller in US and UK Aug. 21, 2008 Mike Bowden