Demos (Page 2)
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition PS4 & Xbox One Review: Challenging The PC
The new version of Tomb Raider isn't worth a double-dip, but it stands far ahead what has come before.
Watch Dogs PS4 Review: Game of Phones
Ubisoft's Watch_Dogs was set to be a next generation launch title, but ended up being delayed at the very last moment. Is it worth the extra six-month wait? Oh yes. Oh yes indeed.
Old PC Classics That Still Deliver an Epic Experience
Many of today's greatest PC games are sequels or spiritual successors to earlier versions that are still hugely fun to play all these years later. We check out the very best of them, and explain why they've become timeless classics.
Is Facebook's Acquisition of Oculus Good or Bad for Gaming?
Facebook's nabbing of perhaps the coolest tech in gaming has ruffled many feathers. But looking beyond the initial backlash, could there be a long-term upside?
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Guide: Yusnaan Quests and How to Beat Snow
This comprehensive walkthrough covers the Yusnaan main quests, and how to defeat Snow to gain the Ghostly Hood.
Forza 5 vs Gran Turismo 6 vs Driveclub - E3 Comparison
Three new racers. Three different platforms. Which one took pole at E3?
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW Wii U Review
Much as the title would suggest, we find ourselves feeling a little uncertain about the merits of this eccentric but repetitive Gauntlet-alike.
The Humble Rise of Humble Bundle
Eurogamer's David Owen tells the modest story of an indie icon.
JPgamer: "Better Than Persona?"
In this week's Japanese gaming column, we discuss the recent crop of Japanese role-playing games -- and whether any have truly bettered Atlus' slice-of-life-with-monsters classic.
The USgamer Community Reflects on Sega Genesis
We look back on their Mega Drive memories to celebrate 25 years of Sega's 16-bit wonder.
How Konami Remade Its Own HD Remake
Digital Foundry's John Linneman explores the drastic effect the recent Zone of the Enders HD patch had on performance.
Cheating More Than Death in Dark Souls
How unscrupulous modders and hackers are destroying the Dark Souls online community.
Interview: Guild Wars 2 Game Director Talks Dungeons, Dragons and Chairs
We asked you for questions. Now Guild Wars 2's Game Director Colin Johanson, gives you the answers.
Love for the Middle Child: Mario Bros. Turns 30
Mario and Luigi leapt into their first starring roles in an arcade adventure its creators seem oddly eager to forget.
Indies Did This: Grumpy Cats, Gatling Gun-Tusked Elephants and More
Wanna prove to your friends you know cool indie games better than they do? Indies Did This, a weekly take on what everyone is working on, has you covered.
Virtual Spotlight: Vampire, Master of Darkness
What's interesting on Virtual Console this week? Sega's bold (if flawed) Castlevania clone.
The Rap Game[r]
"Xenogears, that's the type of game that relieves my fears." We're right there with you, Del.