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Thousands sign pro-LAN StarCraft II petition


Here we go. Blizzard's decision not to include LAN functionality in StarCraft II has already sparked a petition against the decision. Current sigs stand at nearly 3,000.

They're not happy.

"While many of your fans might have internet access with the required speed to play without lag, there are still many that don't, or would like to play with a friend or sibling residing in the same house," said the plea.

"LAN is NOT an expensive upgrade, and once you have it, it’s yours. Internet is something that you have to pay for every month, and in a bad month you might choose to buy groceries instead of paying for the internet.

"LAN is what birthed SC popularity in the first place. Please don't ignore the heritage of the original game."

LAN or no LAN, the game's out this year, hopefully.

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