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This week's Humble Bundle is all survival, all the time

A bunch of survival games to help you answer the question: will you ever get sick of dying?


Humble Bundle has put together a survival-themed package this week.

Pay what you want for Tharsis, Savage Lands (Early Access) and Kholat; payments of $1 or more will also score a coupon for 10% off Humble Monthly for new subscribers.

Beat the average price ($5.10 at time of writing) to also receive Space Engineers (Early Access), Rust (Early Access) and Shelter 2.

The premium tier is $14 unlocks Planetbase.

There are three Linux games this time, and all but Space Engineers and Kholat are available on Mac, too. Two titles are available DRM-free but otherwise it's all Steam.

As ever, you decide how your payment is split between developers, organisers and charity. Action Against Hunger and WaterAid are this bundle's beneficiaries, but you can name a third charity of your choice, too.

Go forth. Take advantage.

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