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"This is not Warriors": Omega Force teases a new game

Dynasty Warriors developer Omega Force will reveal a new project next week.


A teaser site has opened on Koei Tecmo's GameCity website called "Omega_New".

According to the KOEI Facebook page, it kicked off with the phrase "this is not warriors" and a seven day countdown timer. At time of writing the count had ticked over to six days with the message "it comes from the beyond".

Poking around in the page's source code didn't turn up anything. The reveal will presumably occur on August 5, the first day of gamescom 2015.

No idea what we're expecting, although the phrases suggest we're perhaps looking at a new property. Omega Force is a huge team and frequently juggles multiple projects, and the Musou (Warriors) franchise sells gangbusters all over the world (no, really) so it's unlikely we've seen the last of it.

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