This Far Cry 4 video may appal you
Far Cry 4's development team took a research trip to Nepal, where they passively participated in an animal sacrifice. And then, for some reason, told everyone about it.
Far Cry 4 staff from Ubisoft Montreal are featured in the video below, which chronicles a research trip to Nepal. The first thing our intrepid devs did, according to the video, is attend an animal sacrifice.
Now, I'm no public relations expert but I'm not super sure this is the best marketing material Ubisoft has ever produced. Even putting aside the ire this is sure to raise amongst animal rights activists, the narration describing animal sacrifice as a "perfect introduction" to Nepal is pretty wince-worthy; Nepalese culture and traditions are about a lot more than one uncommon ritual.
It is really cool to get a look at Nepal in the video, as it's a place most of us will never visit. You can see why Ubisoft chose it as inspiration for Far Cry 4's fictional Kyrat. However, you've been warned: an animal was harmed in the making of this promotional documentary.
Far Cry 4 hits PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in November.