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The Order 1886 being referred to internally as PS4's first 'Naughty Dog' game - rumour

The Order: 1886 is allegedly being referred to internally by Sony as the company's first 'Naughty Dog' game, which seems to make big projections about the shooter's quality.

It comes from industry insider Ahsan Rasheed, who yesterday said that Gears of War Xbox One will define next-gen. He's known for making accurate statements about new games in the past, but even still, do take the below as rumour for now.

Now on Twitter, Rasheed had this to say about Ready at Dawn's shooter The Order: 1886.

This could simply mean that The Order: 1886 matches the quality bar set by Naughty Dog's PS3 output, but it's vague, so make of it what you will.

It follows four new The Order: 1886 screens. I also saw the game behind closed doors last year. Here's what I thought.

Via DualShockers.

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