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The new Rust update randomises the gender of your avatar

Naked ladies make their Rust debut. What a time to be alive.


Female character models have been added to Rust, but as with many of the other features of your avatar, you'll get what you're given based on your Steam ID.

The announcement was made on the devblog last week, explaining that "the new player models–including females–are now in, and who you are depends on your SteamID. This update wipes the servers and your blueprints. Have fun!"

Addressing ongoing tweaks to the player model, there are more changes incoming, "which means you’re probably not stuck with your new face forever. We’ve got a decent synced workflow between the assets I make in Zbrush and the assets you’ll see in-game now, so it opens up a lot of scope to easily add or change features without a great deal of technical faffing in-between."

You can check out all of the other updates that were rolled out alongside the ladies here.

As it stands, the race, appearance, gender, and size of your todger (if you have one) are all randomly assigned to your Steam ID. Funbag sizes will also vary.

If you're playing Rust, let us know what you've ended up with in the comments.

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